What is ‘Sui Generis’?

Sui Generismeaning ‘of its own kind’ relates to buildings that do not fall within any particular use class. These include Nail Parlours, Theatres, Houses of Multiple Paying Occupation, Hostels, Scrap Yards, Petrol Filling Stations and shops selling and/or displaying motor vehicles, Care Hire Businesses, Retail Warehouse Clubs, Nightclubs, Launderettes, Dry Cleaners, Taxi Businesses, Amusement Centres, Casinos and Data Centres.

A material change of use from ‘sui generis’ use, or to ‘sui generis’ use will require planning permission. The different use classes are set out in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987.

If you have been requested to apply for ‘Sui Generis’ contact the @ Architect Team on 01708 477899, where we can help get you through the Planning process.